Températures et différentes alertes: pluie forte ( ou diluvienne de nature à provoquer des inondations), vents forts ( ou violents ) de nature à causer des dommages, grêle, tornade ou nuage en entonnoir, ou encore tout autre phénomène présentant un danger pour la vie ou pour les biens matériels:  pluie verglaçante, brouillard dense, blizzard ou bourrasque de neige, importante accumulation de neige.

Environnement Canada

Athens Online Weather
The British Shipping Forecast
Canadian Hydrographic Service Tide Predictions
Catalina Internet Services' Tidal Information Page (Tide tables)
Centre de Metéo Marine (France)
CNN Weather News
Colorado State University Tropical Meteorology (Typhoons and hurricanes)
Dooley SeaWeather Analysis, Inc. (Marine weather services, hard-to-find marine weather links)
Earthwatch Communications
Freese-Notis Weather
Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington Tides
Hawaiian and Pacific Weather (University of Hawaii)
Hurricanes, Typhoons & Tropical Cyclones Worldwide
LBInet Weather & Tide Tables (New Jersey)
Maine Harbors (Maine coast weather and tides)
The Met. Office (Global weather services from the UK)
The National Weather Service (Interactive marine observations, Tallahassee, Florida)
The National Weather Service (Portland, Oregon)
The National Weather Service (San Francisco Bay area marine weather)
The National Weather Service (Tallahassee, Florida)
NOAA National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) Home Page
NOAA/NESDIS CoastWatch Program (West Coast regional node)
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Lab
North Carolina Tide and Current Predictor
A Northeastern North America Interactive Tide Chart
The Weather Underground, Inc.: United States
The WWW Tide/Current Predictor
WWW Weather Information Links